Hello friends and fans of The Gluttonous Geek! Today I want to announce that starting this month my brand is expanding to include Twitch live cooking classesand Patreon exclusive bonus content to assist you in learning the art of culinary wizardry.
So what’s to come? Let’s break it down:
Gettin’ Twitch-y With It.
So now that I only work part-time hours for The Man™, not only do I have the time and energy to post weekly recipes but also to present an additional recipe during live-video cooking classes on my new Twitch Channel (found here).
Starting this month, you will be able to catch my stream twice a week.
On Meal Prep Mondays (Mondays 5 pm-7pm EST) you can find me prepping ingredients for future blog posts, cooking classes, and meals throughout the week. This show is an informal, behind-the-scenes stream where you can learn my various techniques and tips for cooking and prep-work so you can learn to eat like a prince on a pauper’s salary.

Then on Wednesdays, I will host Munchies & Minis (Wednesdays 7 pm – 9 pm EST) where I will cook up a recipe for a tabletop-RPG-inspired snack, then work on painting a D&D miniature. Since I started painting minis at Anime Weekend Atlanta’s Paint and Take, I’ve wanted to do more. I’ve also been hankerin’ to do more RPG-inspired recipes. So why not do both, I figured?

Each week will have a different theme and recipe, and though I’m starting a month late, I’m taking this as an opportunity to do the “52 Weeks of D&D” fanart challenge. This upcoming Wednesday will start with the theme “Tavern” with a recipe for Beer-Cheese Soup served in a bread bowl.
Of course, I plan on other impromptu streams here and there — whether I’m featuring special guests who just happen to be in Atlanta at the time (hint hint, nudge nudge), playing Munchkin: Crazy Cooks with my local content creator friends, or cursing in elvish while playing video games. I hope you are excited as I am about this new part of my blogging journey.
You can find my Twitch channel here. You can also find my Youtube Channel here, where I’ll be archiving every episode so you can watch them again and again. But read on, friends and fans, there are more things I think you will like.
The Gluttonous Geek School for Culinary Wizardry
So as you gathered from the title of this post, I just opened up my Patreon page (found here). Like I said, access to my blog’s recipes and cooking class videos will always be free. I want to keep it that way without bombarding you with a million obnoxious ads that may try to download malware on your computer. Alas though, cooking requires food, and food costs money.
Since I started this blog back in May of 2015, I’ve intended to turn my passion into a career. After over three years, I feel I have reached the pace and level of quality to expand my work beyond just posting once a week.

Joining my Patreon community will give you an enhanced experience beyond just reading and cooking with my blog. I’ve worked on putting together reward tiers that will:
- Inform you by email when new blog posts, polls, and rewards are available.
- Give you a Spotify soundtrack to cook-along with every recipe blog post.
- Offer you the convenience of printable PDF recipe cards with each recipe featured on the blog and during Munchies & Minis.
- Give you a chance to vote on upcoming content, rewards, and bonus content.
- Automatically enter you in monthly giveaways for the minis I paint on Munchies & Minis.
- And offer you a community of like-minded geeky gluttons among whom you can level up your culinary wizardry.
I have further plans to expand my Patreon rewards once I’ve reached a certain number of patrons. Some will be physical such as patches, wooden spoons, and cutting boards. Some will include entries in giveaways such as where quarterly one lucky patron will receive a Munchies & Minis episode with a recipe and mini inspired by his or her D&D character.
If you’d like to join our community of Geeky Gluttons, venture on to my Patreon page here! As a bonus to all new members this month (regardless of tier), I’ll be posting up links to the PDF recipe cards and playlists from my January Lord of the Rings recipes as your welcome gift. Creosa, Mellonea!
The Journey Continues
So that’s the big news. After running this blog for over three years, I am taking the next step in my content creation career. Admittedly I am exhilarated and terrified at the same time, but I’m sure this course will be anything but boring.
That said, I want to extend a thank you to every one of you. Whether you’ve been here from the beginning, or just happened to stumble on to this site today. I’ve sent you recipes from my table. I look even more forward to welcoming you into my kitchen.
Click here to go to The Gluttonous Geek’s Twitch Channel.
Click here to visit The Gluttonous Geek’s Patreon.