Welcome, Geeky Gluttons, to SEASON TWO of Munchies & Minis!
For those just joining us, Munchies & Minis is my Dungeons & Dragons and tabletop RPG-inspired live cooking show. I know. It took a while for us to get to season two on the blog. The show is still alive and kicking, though. This time I am multi-platform streaming on Twitch AND Facebook. I’ve also made a few more changes from season one.
The first change is that I’m branching out on my RPG options from just Dungeons & Dragons. True. We did hit up Pathfinder and Munchkin some last season. However, there are SO MANY GAMES out there, and I want to give all tabletop gamers a chance to eat along while playing their favorites.
The second change is that I am calling out for more community interaction. Last season we got 35 challenge words into RaineRhya‘s 52 weeks of D&D challenge. This season my Patreon supporters can vote directly for what recipes they want to see on the show. And for the very first episode, they voted on Cinnamon-Crusted Flapjacks inspired by Jak-a’-Napes Pub from Paizo’s Pathfinder!
Jak Crimmy’s Confections
I had to giggle while researching this dish when I discovered my friend Matt Vancil worked on the Pathfinder’s supplement that features it, Towns of the Inner Sea. You might know of his work as he is the writer behind many of Dead Gentlemen Productions and Zombie Orpheus Entertainment‘s films, including The Gamers: Dorkness Rising and JourneyQuest.
Anyhoo Jak-a’-Napes is an inn in Falcon’s Hollow near the edge of Darkmoon Vale in Andoran. Founded and owned by the retired troubadour, Jak Crimmy, the establishment boasts of warm welcomes and mouth-watering cinnamon-crusted flapjacks.
And you know something has to be delicious if it’s as famous as Jak’s “skill at juggling frying pans and his legendary marksmanship with a crossbow.” So my task was to create something good enough to inspire a weekly line that extends “outside the inn and halfway down the road.”
A standard pancake recipe didn’t seem enough. If I wanted to get that sugary-crust consistency, I was going to need two things: caramelization and carbonation. That’s why I decided to fry my cinnamon pancakes french toast-style in a beer, brown sugar, and egg batter.
While you’d think this would bloat your stomach faster than a gelatinous cube in a kobold nest, it’s quite the opposite. That brief soak in beer batter makes this flapjacks light and fluffy. But even better yet, they also gain a sturdiness that makes them the perfect flatbread shell for fried apple and egg breakfast tacos.
Ready to make some Jak-a’-Napes Cinnamon Crusted Flapjacks for your adventuring party? Watch the video or find out how to get the recipe card below!
Jak-a’-Napes Cinnamon Crusted Flapjacks
Get the Recipe!
This video will always be around to cook along with. But I also have the printable PDF recipe card available for my Ko-Fi and Patreon supporters.
This week both my blog post and Munchies & Minis recipe cards are available in exchange for a $2 donation on my Ko-fi page.
If you join my Patreon community at the “Kitchen Twitch” ($5/month) level or higher, you will not only get access to ALL of my Munchies & Minis recipe cards. You’ll also get blog-post Spotify-playlists, community-polls, random digital and physical-swag surprises, AND a welcome gift of my Lord of the Rings recipe cards and playlists.

I hope that this episode inspired you to start a culinary campaign of your own. Next week, I’ll be continuing the second season of Munchies & Minis with a recipe chosen by my Patreon subscribers!
Make sure to join me live Wednesday on Twitch or Facebook from 7 pm – 9 pm EST. OR you can catch the archived episode on YouTube.