Welcome back, Geeky Gluttons, to another episode of Munchies & Minis!
For those just joining us, Munchies & Minis is my tabletop RPG-inspired live cooking show. Once a week, I make a snack or meal to pair with a side of dice rolls. You can catch me on Twitch (unless indicated otherwise on social media) Wednesday nights at 7 pm EST.
Last time I posted the video for leek and raisin-stuffed pork loin with red wine gravy inspired by D&D’s Dragon Magazine. This week’s video, we serve up some cheesy churros with pineapple dipping sauce inspired by the “Oops! All Goblins!” D&D one-shot hosted by Flipping the Table.
A Taste of Hovel
A few months ago, Evan Brando of The Brando Show invited me to play an all-goblin D&D game with an all-star cast featuring Nikki Johnson (SlaydiesATL), Katie Downey (D4 Podcast), and Garret Loudin (Evan Brando Show). He laid out the concept to us — goblin Nick Fury wants to create his own goblin-only Avenger group — except instead of superpowered individuals, he seeks out his best friends.
I decided I was going to play goblin Nick Fury’s mom. Her name was Queefie Brownthumb, a mother of five who goes adventuring after the last little gobbo leaves the house. She is a druid who learned spells from the local garden club, an owner of a multi-level magic rock business, and a star home-cook who makes the best brownies. Instead of brownies, though, I made another recipe based off of our insane game.

In one scene, our group finds a trashcan with churros in it. We take them, thinking it a good travel snack. Queefie mentions that they go great with blue cheese. Salti (played by Katie Downey) doesn’t believe her. Out of character, I saw that as a challenge.
Cinnamon is excellent with blue cheese. It also goes fantastically with pineapple. Blue cheese and pineapple share a flavor compound called methyl hexanoate. So it decided to try my theory with a blue and cheddar cheese-based churro. I learned a couple of things:
First is that to get a cheesier flavor, you’re going to need to fry this dough for less time than a standard churro. Second, that pineapple sauce? Makes a fantastic marinade for pork and chicken if you happen to have any leftover. And third? Blue cheese does taste delicious in a churro. Success! Suck it, Salti!
Want to learn how to make Goblin Mama’s Cheesy Churros for your adventuring party? Watch the video or find out how to get the recipe card below!
Also want to watch us be crazy goblins? Keep scrolling! I’ve embedded the video right after the recipe video.
Goblin Mama’s Cheesy Churros
Oops! All Goblins.
Sing for Your Supper!
This video will always be around to cook along with. But I also have the printable PDF recipe card available for my Ko-Fi and Patreon supporters.
This week both my blog post and Munchies & Minis recipe cards are available in exchange for a $2 donation on my Ko-fi page.
If you join my Patreon community at the “Kitchen Twitch” ($5/month) level or higher, you will not only get access to ALL of my Munchies & Minis recipe cards. You’ll also get blog-post Spotify-playlists, community-polls, random digital and physical-swag surprises, AND a welcome gift of my Lord of the Rings recipe cards and playlists.

I hope that this episode inspired you to start a culinary campaign of your own. Next week, I’ll continue the second season of Munchies & Minis with a recipe chosen by my Patreon subscribers!
Make sure to join me live Wednesday on Twitch from 7 pm – 9 pm EST. OR you can catch the archived episode on YouTube.