Welcome back, Geeky Gluttons, to another episode of Munchies & Minis!
For those just joining us, Munchies & Minis is my tabletop RPG-inspired live cooking show. Once a week, I make a snack or meal to pair with a side of dice rolls. You can catch me on Twitch (unless indicated otherwise on social media) Wednesday nights at 7 pm EST.
Last time I a recipe for some soft scrambled eggs and milk toast inspired by D&D’s Dragon Magazine. In this week’s video, we jump headfirst into Volo’s Guide to the Sword Coast for some stew and griddled cheese sandwiches inspired by the Elfsong Tavern!
Bowls of Brown
Today’s post was a fan request from youtube subscriber valalongtooth1 when they asked what would be served at the Elfsong Tavern in the Faerunian city of Baldur’s Gate. Volo’s Guide to the Sword Coast, published in 1994, states:
[S]imple open-faced malt bread and melted cheese sandwiches, sprinkled with dill, nutmeg, or powdered spices of your choice; whole pickles (heavy on the garlic); and handful-sized chunks of pressed, dried salt herring. Lady Alyth also makes a thick stew that is beloved by many sick or chilled sailors. She keeps a cauldron on simmer all the time and throws all the food leavings into it, boils beef bones and assorted shellfish in it, and pours in all the wine dregs and soured ale.
Admittedly I made this video based on the description provided by the Forgotten Realms wikia. Had I acquired a digital copy of Volo’s guide, I would’ve known details such as open-faced, beef, and shellfish. My favorite pub food, though, is a Full English Breakfast. So I figured, since brekkie is huge and hearty, there’d plenty of leftovers to throw in the pot.
With that, my Elfsong Tavern Stew contains bacon, ham, fried potatoes, carrot shavings, baked beans, tomatoes, and a Baldur’s Gate trifecta of malt vinegar, red wine vinegar, and fish sauce. It only sounds strange. But like the locals, my husband and I both swear by this stuff.
The secret? Bone broth. While sure, you can make your own, a carton of chicken or beef broth gives this soup its velvety mouthfeel while shoving collagen and vitamins straight into your system. Pair the soup with some mustard and dill griddled cheese sandwiches and you’ve got comfort food to stick to your bones until the next encounter.
Want to learn how to make Elfsong Tavern Stew & Sandwiches for your adventuring party? Watch the video or find out how to get the recipe card below!
Elfsong Tavern Stew
Sing for your supper!
This video will always be around to cook along with. But I also have the printable PDF recipe card available for my Ko-Fi and Patreon supporters.
This week, my blog post and Munchies & Minis recipe cards are available in exchange for a $2 donation on my Ko-fi page.
If you join my Patreon community at the “Kitchen Twitch” ($5/month) level or higher, you will not only get access to ALL of my Munchies & Minis recipe cards. You’ll also get blog-post Spotify-playlists, community-polls, random digital and physical-swag surprises, AND a welcome gift of my Lord of the Rings recipe cards and playlists.

I hope that this episode inspired you to start a culinary campaign of your own. Next week, I’ll continue the second season of Munchies & Minis with a recipe chosen by my Patreon subscribers!
Make sure to join me live Wednesday on Twitch from 7 pm – 9 pm EST. OR you can catch the archived episode on YouTube.