Welcome back, Geeky Gluttons, to another episode of Munchies & Minis!
For those just joining us, Munchies & Minis is my tabletop RPG-inspired live cooking show. Once a week, I make a snack or meal to pair with a side of dice rolls. You can catch me on Twitch (unless indicated otherwise on social media) Wednesday nights at 7 pm EST.
Last time I posted the video for grilled zucchini and soy eggs from the Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount, Critical Role‘s D&D campaign setting. This week we take a decidedly different direction with three cocktail recipes from Jason Anarchy Games‘ Drinking Quest: Old Habits.
A Drinking Quest for the Ages
You notice I didn’t say the word “video” for this post, huh? Yeah, well, after mixing and drinking three cocktails and a whole weekend of Gen Con Online, I forgot to highlight my Ode to Drinking Quest. And thus Twitch deleted it.
Not to worry, though! This means you get these recipes without having to watch me ramble about my kitchen and almost trip over my cats multiple times.
You’re welcome.

That said, I do want to talk a little about the game these recipes take their inspiration from. Part card game, part tabletop RPG, and part drinking game, Drinking Quest sends players into a fantasy world of inebriation and poor choices. Take on the role of characters such as Chuglox the Barbarian or Daquirin the elvish wizard, and fight whiskey wights or a gaggle of Karens. Go on quests against rum-riddled pirates or hipster-infested breweries.
There are currently five installments of this game, chock-full of hilarious quests to play and/or drink through. The next three recipes happen to come from Drinking Quest’s newest installment: Old Habits. Old Habits is a “throwback to the golden age of 80s RPGs” and features three drinking quests, a 420-friendly quest, and even a sober-up PSA-style quest.
Sing for your Supper!
If you want to get on with the recipes, keep scrolling. But I also have the printable PDF recipe cards available for my Ko-Fi and Patreon supporters.
This week, my blog post and Munchies & Minis recipe cards are available in exchange for a $2 donation on my Ko-fi page.
If you join my Patreon community at the “Kitchen Twitch” ($5/month) level or higher, you will not only get access to ALL of my Munchies & Minis recipe cards. You’ll also get blog-post Spotify-playlists, community-polls, random digital and physical-swag surprises, AND a welcome gift of my Lord of the Rings recipe cards and playlists.
Through Time & Sh*t-face…
The first drink I made up was the Potent Porter from Drinking Quest: Old Habits‘ OctoberQuest plotline. As you can see, it’s a tall order to fill: syrupy sweet with a super fortune-telling kick to the face.

That’s why I mixed this dark ale with absinthe and a homemade “divination” simple syrup using cinnamon, bay leaves, coconut extract, and fresh thyme and peppermint. Magical workings involve using symbolism. It’s not necessarily just the properties of the ingredients themselves, it’s using the energy behind that belief associated with them.
To begin, anise seed traditionally spices absinthe — and also plays into rituals to contact other planes. Sometimes absinthe contains wormwood, which also finds use in communicating with spirits. Cinnamon ritually helps with clairvoyance.
Then to borrow from Greek mythology, the Oracle and priestesses of Delphi burned and chewed bay leaves for their visions while also burning thyme to find clarity within them. Peppermint is sacred to Hades and a bribe always helps in dealing with the Underworld.
Finally, several Pacific and South Asian cultures worshipped coconut groves as spiritual places of the divine. It also goes pretty well with a chocolatey beer like Porter. So there’s that.
Potent Porter
Equipment: Pint glass and swizzle stick.
- 3 oz divination syrup
- 1 oz absinthe
- 12 oz porter beer
- Pour the contents into a pint glass and stir with a swizzle stick to dissolve.
- For extra sweetness, serve topped with whipped cream and ground nutmeg.
- Stare through space and time. Inebriation is in your future.
Divination Syrup
Equipment: Stovetop, saucepan or pot with lid, herb strainer, wire whisk.
- 2 and 1/4 cups water
- 2 and 1/4 cups sugar
- 1/4 cup fresh peppermint leaves
- 2 cinnamon sticks
- 1/4 cup thyme sprigs
- 2 bay leaves
- 1/2 tsp coconut extract
- Add the water and a strainer containing all the herbs and spices into a large saucepan or pot. Bring to a boil.
- Cover the pan with a lid and turn off the heat. Let steep for 15 minutes.
- Remove and discard the spices and herbs. Whisk in the sugar and turn the heat back on to medium.
- Continue to whisk until the sugar completely melts, then remove from heat to completely cool. Stir in the coconut extract.
Tiny Umbrella +3
Next up we have the wizard Daiquirin’s drink of choice: Quest on the Beach. For this drink I made a hybrid of the traditional daiquiri and a sex on the beach. As you can see below, I need a drink that not only tastes of the tropics, but can pack a punch against your enemies.

It’s kind of funny how symbolically, the sex on the beach already contains protective and purifying ingredients. Orange juice and cranberry juice promote good health, luck, and positive energy by color alone in several cultures. Peach schnapps may not appear in most grimoires, but the Chinese sometimes carve peach pits into locks and give them to children to ward away death.
A standard daiquiri uses lime, simple syrup, and rum. I figured since this drink causes tidal waves, only a dark spiced rum like Kraken can bring that powerful from-the-deep attitude this drink needs. But since I like to add my own witchy touch, I also made a protective simple syrup using basil and juniper berries.
Quest on the Beach
Equipment: 16 oz. glass, cocktail shaker and strainer, and ice.
- 2 oz. dark rum
- 1/2 oz peach schnapps
- 1 oz lime juice
- 2 oz orange juice
- 2 oz cranberry juice
- 3/4 oz protection syrup
- orange slice
- maraschino cherry
- Fill the shaker with ice and pour in all of the ingredients except the cranberry juice.
- Cover and shake before straining into an ice-filled serving glass.
- Pour the cranberry juice into the glass.
- Garnish with an orange slice and cherry before serving.
- Drink. Drown your enemies and your sorrows while watching a beautiful sunset.
Protection Syrup
Equipment: Stovetop, saucepan or pot with lid, herb strainer, wire whisk.
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 cup water
- 1/2 tablespoon juniper berries
- 1/4 cup fresh basil leaves
- Add the water and a strainer containing all the herbs and spices into a large saucepan or pot. Bring to a boil.
- Cover the pan with a lid and turn off the heat. Let steep for 15 minutes.
- Remove and discard the spices and herbs. Whisk in the sugar and turn the heat back on to medium.
A Slippery Slope to Sottedness
Finally, we’re going to wrap up this Drinking Quest Happy Hour with a drink from Old Habits’ Slime Time questline. Admittedly this recipe was a little less about symbolism and more about texture.

Just like the Quest on the Beach, I used cranberry juice, lime juice, and protection syrup. However, I then upped the juniper berry taste with some gin. The thing that really makes this drink, though, is sweetened aloe juice. Before you start snipping at your houseplants, though, keep in mind that the drink form is available at most grocery stores.
If that’s not slimy enough for you, I also drizzled in some Irish Cream. Sure, it looks gross as it curdles into your glass like something not worth mentioning. It actually tastes pretty good, though, especially if you add some of the syrup from that jar of maraschino cherries.
Equipment: 8 oz. glass, cocktail shaker and strainer, and ice.
- 2 oz. cranberry juice
- 2 oz. aloe juice
- 1 and 1/2 oz. gin
- 1/2 oz. lime juice
- 1/2 oz. Irish cream liquor
- lime wedge
- maraschino cherry
- Pour the aloe juice into the glass.
- Fill the shaker with ice and pour in the gin, lime juice, and cranberry juice. Cover, shake, then strain into the glass.
- Drizzle the Irish cream into the glass.
- Garnish the glass with a lime wedge and maraschino cherry.
- Drink. Make mistakes. Get messy. Flirt with the Gunk Hunk.