Hey there, geeky gluttons, to another episode of Munchies & Minis!
For those just joining us, Munchies & Minis started as my live-streamed tabletop RPG-inspired cooking show on Twitch, where I snack or meal to pair with a side of dice rolls. You can catch previous episodes here, on Twitch, and YouTube. Now, though? We’ve graduated to fully-produced videos on YouTube.
In this video, we continue our jaunt through Visigoths vs. Mall Goths and head to Mall Goth-owned artisan cheese shop A Feta Worse than Death!
A Casual Get-Together with Death
Visigothics vs. Mall Goths by Lucian Khan is a roleplaying game where a group of teenage goths with a Ouiji board accidentally summon a tribe of (also teenage) Visigoths to a 90’s Los Angeles mall. Confusion, adolescent crushes, and silliness ensue in this RPG meets dating game where words and swords may swing, but the only things hurt are each other’s feelings. In the last video, we conquered the food court with Visigothic-inspired cinnamon rolls and smoothies. In this video, we invite Death over for some cheese and crackers.
So hit play and watch as we whip up some Medusa’s Gorgonzola (gorgonzola cheese dip with garlic, herbs, and honeyed pomegranate juice) and bake up some Coffin Crisps (beet and sesame crackers with herbs and spices).
Let’s Goth to the Mall!
Sing for Your Supper
This video will always be around to cook along with. But I also have the printable PDF recipe cards available for my Ko-Fi and Patreon supporters.
You can purchase the recipe cards directly from my Ko-fi shop for at least $2/card here:
Recipes from previous Munchies & Minis episodes are also being added to my Ko-fi store, so watch for updates!
If you join my Patreon community at the “Kitchen Twitch” ($5/month) level or higher, you will not only get access to ALL of my Munchies & Minis recipe cards. You’ll also get blog-post Spotify playlists, community polls, random digital and physical swag surprises, AND a welcome gift of my Lord of the Rings recipe cards and playlists.

I hope this episode inspired you to start a culinary campaign of your own. Next time, we return to Baldur’s Gate with some Cormyrean Braised Pork Shoulder! Like, subscribe, and stay tuned!