The Adventure Zone | Taako ‘s Picadillo Tacos
Sizzle it up with Taako from D&D podcast The Adventure Zone with a recipe for Chicken Picadillo Tacos and key lime crema as we roll into 2020! Continue Reading
Sizzle it up with Taako from D&D podcast The Adventure Zone with a recipe for Chicken Picadillo Tacos and key lime crema as we roll into 2020! Continue Reading
In this episode of Munchies & Minis we pay homage to The Adventure Zone: Amnesty’s favorite goat-man with a recipe for goat cheese & duck flatbread pizzas! Continue Reading
It is Star Wars eve, why not celebrate with this spicy Mandalorian casserole perfect for gatherings of family both born and adopted. Continue Reading
In this episode of Munchies & Minis we learn to make Sweetheart’s Confection, a Dungeons & Dragons pastry known to bind two lovers within a single bite. Continue Reading
In this episode of Munchies & Minis we combine Pathfinder’s Halfling Rations with Travel Cake Mix into a fresh skillet bread for the gluttonous adventurer! Continue Reading
Inspired by “A Grain of Truth” from The Witcher series, this recipe for Hazelnut Game Hen is a perfect dish to share while binging Netflix’s TV adaptation. Continue Reading
This Zombieland-inspired recipe for tiramisu is a bit of bittersweetness in a dystopian wasteland, and is chock-full of Twinkies. Continue Reading
Today’s recipe we celebrate The Dresden Files fans’ favorite wisecracking spirit of knowledge and dirty jokes: Bob the Skull! Continue Reading
In this episode of Munchies & Minis we bring on the fire and fiendspice with a recipe for a pork curry inspired by Dungeons & Dragons’ Tiefling race! Continue Reading
In this episode of Munchies & Minis we take a long rest with a Dungeons & Dragons-inspired bone broth and vegetable stew recipe to restore your hit points without sacrificing flavor. Continue Reading