Welcome back, Geeky Gluttons, to another episode of Munchies & Minis!
Munchies & Minis is my tabletop RPG-inspired live cooking show for those just joining us. Once a week, I make a snack or meal to pair with a side of dice rolls. You can catch me on Twitch (unless indicated otherwise on social media) Wednesday nights at 7 pm EST.
Last video, we made black bean and bacon soup from Purskul’s Stargath House featured in D&D’s Volo’s Guide to Baldur’s Gate II. In this episode, we feature the bard Volo again in his Guide to the Dalelands with an herbed honey cookie recipe from Amaratha’s Teahouse.
Woodberry Teas and Biscuits
The Dalelands from Dungeons & Dragons’ Forgotten Realms campaign setting shares similarities with Earth’s Holy Roman Empire (medieval Germany), where the region is less country and more a series of principalities. Today’s dish comes from Mistledale, a prosperous farming region formed after a meteorite burned a 100-mile swath through the elvish woodland realm of Uvaeren.
While the Uvaeren disintegrated, its descendants remained in the tree-laden outskirts. Few even share the region of Elven Crossing, “a small, shady place of woodcarvers, hunters, and mushroom-pickers” who carve a tidy income from wild herbs. Understandably wary of fire hazards, Elven Crossing’s residents built stone hearth campsites along the forest paths. There are no taverns and inns so no one can say “hold my beer” around anything flammable. But there is Amaratha ‘s Teahouse.
Volo describes Amaratha’s Teahouse as:
“Made out of the hollow stumps of three massive trees joined together, this place is all windows and chatter. Locals come here to drink various woodberry teas and eat honeyed biscuits or Amaratha’s (very good, sharp!) marbled green cheese — which one can buy in bulk if interested. Amaratha also serves brandy and some wines made from forest plants. Amaratha’s is a very relaxing and unique stop; I would recommend it.”
So with this in mind, I sought to make an English-style tea biscuit with forest-growing herbs and almond extract. Ignore my attempts to stamp pretty shapes upon this stick, honey-saturated dough, though. It will not work. Let it bake and cool completely before taking a bite and snapping a crumb fragrant with mint and rosemary.
But it pairs nicely with fruit brandies, herbal teas, and that nice wedge of green-marbled sage darby you found in the cheese section. Bon Appet-Tea!
Want to learn how to make Amaratha ‘s Honey Biscuits for your adventuring party? Watch the video or find out how to get the recipe card below!
Amaratha ‘s Honey Biscuits
Sing for your Supper!
This video will always be around to cook along with. But I also have the printable PDF recipe cards available for my Ko-Fi and Patreon supporters.
This week, my blog post and Munchies & Minis recipe cards are available in exchange for a $2 donation on my Ko-fi page.
If you join my Patreon community at the “Kitchen Twitch” ($5/month) level or higher, you will not only get access to ALL of my Munchies & Minis recipe cards. You’ll also get blog-post Spotify playlists, community polls, random digital and physical swag surprises, AND a welcome gift of my Lord of the Rings recipe cards and playlists.

I hope this episode inspired you to start a culinary campaign of your own. Next week, I’ll continue the third season of Munchies & Minis with a recipe chosen by my Patreon subscribers!
Make sure to join me live Wednesday on Twitch from 7 pm – 9 pm EST. OR you can catch the archived episode on YouTube.